Arctic Slope Regional Corporation is humbled and honored to be recognized by Alaska Business as the top Alaskan-owned and operated business in the state. This is the 27th consecutive year that ASRC has ranked #1 in the annual “Top 49ers”. Alaska Business announced their 2021 rankings during the Top 49ers Luncheon Presentation, held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency. The full list of the Top 49ers can be found in the October 2021 edition of Alaska Business.
“As many businesses in Alaska can attest to, 2020 was an extremely challenging year. At ASRC we had no choice but to endure the significant disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 public health emergency,” said Rex A. Rock Sr., ASRC president and CEO. “However, thanks to the strategic planning and leadership at ASRC, we were able to adapt to the “new normal” and end the year strong. I congratulate the other businesses honored this year.”
In 2020 ASRC’s revenues came in at just over $3.4 billion. ASRC has six major business segments, to include government contract services, petroleum refining and marketing, energy support services, industrial services, construction and resource development.