Our Lands

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation owns nearly 5 million acres of land on Alaska’s North Slope. ASRC lands are located in areas that have either known resources or are highly prospective for oil, gas, coal, and base metal sulfides. ASRC is committed to developing these resources and bringing them to market in a manner that respects Iñupiaq subsistence values while ensuring proper care of the environment, habitat, and wildlife.

Land Access

ASRC lands are open for subsistence activities for shareholders and other qualified subsistence users that are residents of the Native communities of the North Slope.

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Goals & Objectives

When ASRC began selecting the land entitled to its shareholders under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, it set clear goals and objectives:

  • To gain title to the lands with the greatest resource potential
  • To explore and develop ASRC lands
  • To produce and market the resources from them
Land Department Mission

Actively manage, evaluate, and economically develop ASRC lands and natural resources in a manner sensitive to the cultural and subsistence values of Inupiat shareholders.

Lands Today

ASRC has received the majority of the lands it is entitled to under the provisions of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, or ANCSA. The corporation is one of the state’s largest private landowners, holding title to nearly 5 million acres on Alaska’s North Slope that are highly prospective for oil and gas, coal, and base metal sulfides. Some of the lands contain known resource reserves, such as the Colville River Delta and the Western Arctic Coalfields.