Land Access Contacts

ASRC lands are not open for commercial or private (non-North Slope resident) recreational activities. Any commercial recreational activities to include guided hunting, hiking, rafting, and videography/photography conducted within the North Slope Borough (NSB) are regulated by the NSB Planning Department under Title 19 (19.40.070) and will require a permit. In addition, the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, and the State of Alaska also require permits for operating on public lands adjacent to ASRC property.

ASRC works closely with local, state and federal agencies to ensure proper compliance of area regulations. It is the users responsibility to obtain the proper permissions and permits to access these areas.

Arctic Slope Regional Corporation

Land Department 3900 C. Street, Suite 801 Anchorage, AK 99503-5963 Email: (907) 339-6017 / Fax: (907) 339-6028

North Slope Borough

Planning Department Permitting & Zoning Division P.O. Box 69 Barrow, AK 99723 907-852-0320

USFWS - Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

101 12th Avenue, Room 236 Fairbanks, AK 99701 907-456-0250 or 800-362-4546

National Park Service

Fairbanks Administrative Center 4175 Geist Road Fairbanks, AK 99709 907-457-5752

Arctic Field Office

Bureau of Land Management 222 University Avenue Fairbanks, AK99709 907-474-2200

Alaska Division of Mining, Land & Water

Southcentral Region Office 550 W. 7th Ave. Suite 900C Anchorage, AK 99501-3577 907-269-8552 / Fax: 907-269-8503