Shareholder Spotlights

Terza K. Brower

Terza Brower serves on Arctic Slope Regional Corporation’s board of directors, holding the director seat for Utqiaġvik. Utqiaġvik is the northernmost community in the United States, the largest village in the North Slope, and is located within the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR-A). 

Terza is a tribal citizen of the Native Village of Barrow and the Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope as well as a shareholder of ASRC and the Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation, the Alaska Native village corporation for Utqiaġvik. Her Iñupiaq name is Qavaana.  

Terza is also a project administrator for Tikiġaq Conam LLC and a member of the Little Kupaaq whaling crew. 

Terza received a bachelor’s degree in entrepreneurship from the University of Hawaii Shidler College and a Master’s of Business Administration from the University of Alaska Anchorage. She also earned certificates in automotive, industrial, and heavy-duty mechanics from Universal Technical Institute.

She enjoys subsistence hunting and whaling and working on vehicles and small engines, such as snow machines and outboards. In her free time, Terza can be found camping, reading, sewing, and spending time with family and friends. Terza lives in Utqiaġvik with her partner, Martin Edwardsen, and their family.